Saturday, May 14, 2011

Makes me so happy!

I know, I know, call me weird, but I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way...

Thursday is THE DAY

every week

that our garbage gets taken away

ya know

nothing spectacular

just one of those necessary things in life.

Well, last Thursday we didn't only have our regular garbage bin full,

but also an extra bag.

Somebody in the family had a big clean-out -

and I'm not telling who
but hey, we all need to do this from time to time!

Anyways, as I dropped off the extra-bag next to the garbage bin on the side of the road,


To get rid of a bunch of garbage - or rubbish, as they call it here in NZ -

leaves you - or at least me -

feeling GREAT!!!

Just imagine the way our home/garden would look -

let's not talk about the smell - eeek (with all the smelly diapers in there, yes, still!)

if nobody came to pick up and "take care of" our garbage every week!

I dare not activate my imagination too vividly,

but I'm sure you get the point!

Such a freeing feeling, isn't it?!!

I don't have to hassle with our family's garbage


Never to be seen - or smelled - again!!!

Made me think of my heart!

I'm SOOOO grateful that the garbage that happens in my heart

can also get "disposed of"

Don't even have to wait for the weekly dump-truck!

How awesome is that?!!

How freeing?!!!

If it's worry, bad and unloving attitudes or words, resentment, doubt, gluttony, you name it


for getting rid of that ugly stuff!

The price?

Far more expensive than our garbage truck

The blood of JESUS!!!

Feels so good to be CLEAN


and off to a fresh start

every day!

If we are living and walking in the light
as he is in the light
we have unbroken fellowship with one another
and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us
from all sin and guilt.

If we freely admit that we have sinned
and confess our sins,
HE is faithful and just
and will forgive our sins
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1.John1, 7 and 9


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