Sunday, October 20, 2013


My heart is once again overflowing with thoughts and emotions 

as I am 'digesting' my experiences in Uganda - - -

Ugandan women are AMAZING - so strong, hard-working and resilient - yet full of grace

The best way to sum up what I have been able to experience first-hand once again

 - and observe - 

in the lives of our beautiful brothers and sisters who are

serving HIS little ones in Uganda 

is to quote Paul when he writes:

"We are experiencing all kinds of trouble,
but we aren't crushed.

We are confused,
but we aren't depressed.

We are harassed,
but we aren't abandoned.

We are knocked down,
but we aren't knocked out.

We always carry Jesus' death around in our bodies 
so that Jesus' life can also be seen in our bodies....." (2.Cor.4:8-10)

The daily struggles and challenges,

combined with the very tangible attacks on their safety and lives


... maybe what you'd expect to see in a movie 

but not on a 2-week trip...

New situations coming up just about daily

that could leave those serving perplexed, beaten down and knocked out.



In the midst of the challenges

Jesus' life is seen as well - and there is JOY in the midst of pain!

having fun with the kids trying out Kylie's gift: "Bop-it"

What a special privilege it was to live with/alongside Praise for most of the days
- even some unexpected ones -
that only brought us together again because of a car accident (she is fine)
and the next 3 days to try and get the offender to pay for the damage
(which didn't happen because they must have bribed the police).

Can you see the broken glass? Mirror and window smashed
resulting in a lot of "wet-ness"....

If I was to tell you everything, 

you probably wouldn't believe me....


It is daily reality for her 

and also for the families from the 

"Orphans Know More" network.

Tragedy and death are so common, and so close


God is right in the midst of them

saving, protecting, helping, strengthening, providing.


The only way to make it for them?

Hanging on to JESUS, like Paul continues in verse 17 of 2.Cor.4: 

"Our temporary minor problems are producing an eternal stockpile of glory for us 
that is beyond all comprehension.
We don't focus on the things that can be seen but on the things that can't be seen.
The things that can be seen don't last, but the things that can't be seen are eternal."

...and passing this dependency on GOD on to the kids...
here kneeling on the dirt-floor during Sunday service



and do whatever I can do to 




speak up

and pray some more!

"Carry each other's burdens

and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2

Wanna join me?

with my beloved special treasure that I even got to spend some
"almost-alone-time" with

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