Sunday, August 16, 2009

C-O-M-P-E-L-L-I-N-G !!!!!!!!

After pouring out the lovin' on Kylie these last few days, I came across this post in my FAVOURITE blog last night.

What a contrast - the life of our Kylie (and other children) and the children you will be reading about.

I BEG you to take 10-15 minutes to read not only this post, but also Grace's story, or Rita's story, or the Scabies Family, part 1, the Scabies Family, part 2, or Sarah's story, or Sumini's story and Amazima, the Truth.

These are written by a now 20-year-old American girl. POWERFUL!!!

To say that I have been deeply compelled is an understatement.

I have been balling my eyes out over the misery of these children.

And I will do something about it.

I have been begging God for years now to allow me to do SOMETHING for the orphans.
Besides taking Shayden into our family, I have been feeling quite strongly from God that NOW is the time to pursue my life-long dream of ministering to the orphans - in Africa, to begin with.

I am still in prayer about the details, but I know that I will be taking a trip to Africa next year. YAY!!!!

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Oh, tell me about your plans to Africa and how the orphans fit in. I too love orphans and am earnestly praying for them. Oh that God would arise His sleeping church to the needs of the millions of orphans (143 million or something in that ballpark).

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted