Sunday, February 27, 2011

Never in my wildest dreams....

... would I have imagined on that cold, snowy day in Switzerland when we said "I do" to each other

that I'd kiss my handsome knight good-bye

23 years later

for him to go to Christchurch in New Zealand to love on earthquake victims:

first 4 days as an Emergency Medical Technician with our NZ ambulance

and then leading a team of people from YWAM (that one, I might have been able to imagine..) and the Tauranga House of Prayer - beautiful people from Holland, Samoa, NZ and the USA to do whatever is needed - from prayer to cleaning up people's houses and everything in between.


Ya just never know where life's gonna take you when you start out!

I am SOOOO blessed!!!

We have 6 beautiful children who all love God

including a little 4-year-old Maori boy

and a 20-year-old Ugandan boy

and are healthy (most of the time)

Soon, we'll be grandparents!

We get to live in beautiful New Zealand!

We get to invest our lives - every bit - into eternal matters, things that really count -


Happy anniversary, honey! I'm so proud of you and miss you like crazy already...

This was at the Bugali Falls in Uganda

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