waking up completely overwhelmed by the myriad of things that still have to get done before we start our big 3-month-trip -
exactly 2 weeks from today!
And when one of my sweet kiddos starting acting up about not having the right clothes to wear and having yet another "morning scene" ...
(I have ZERO tolerance for fussing about clothes ~ or food ~ since coming back from Africa!!!)
I lost my temper with her - ouch!
- and on the way to school had to apologize -
(just like she did, too)
I was feeling really crappy as I drove on to take Shayden to preschool
and I could hardly believe it, when out of the blue, I hear his sweet voice from the backseat:
"God loves you, Mummy!"
This truth spoken by our little boy who is just barely starting to speak in whole sentences ~
~ it moved me DEEPLY! ~
Just before driving off to school with the kids I had checked the emails
and what did I see???
An email from our beloved son Richard in Uganda!!!
We hadn't heard from him for over a month
Hadn't been able to get a hold of him
Were concerned for him, as there've been violent riots in Kampala where he lives
And still last night when we tried calling, we couldn't get through.
So it was extremely special to receive an email from him!!
He'd been in hospital - again (this is the second time since we saw him in December!)
but is fine now.
What touched me so much about his email was when he wrote:
"... I love you every single day of my life...
God loves you but I love you more"
Definitely brought a chuckle to my stressed state-of-being
So when I realized - in the car - on the way to preschool -
that God had used my 2 adopted boys to reassure me of HIS LOVE today,
It took all the self-control I could muster to hold it together until I had dropped Shayden off and was on my way back home...
THANK YOU for each one of my children -
Thank you for Shayden and Richard who YOU have placed in our hearts and family
and who you used today to remind me of what I needed to hear most: