Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just letting you know...

... that Rich and Jeremie are back home since last night!

It's WONDERFUL to all be together again as a family!

And interestingly enough - nobody sick for the first time since they left - hmmmm

They had an AMAZING time - - -

and I am not going to spend my time blogging, there's lots to catch up with hubby while the 2 little ones are off to sleep and the 3 older ones at youthgroup.

I'm one happy camper - even found some amazing-smelling spring-flowers in our yard today, can you believe it?!
Only in NZ do you find spring-flowers in the dead of winter (tells you how "dead" winter is here - hihi) - but still freezing enough for me...

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Enjoy your family, early spring and wellness ~all rolled into one big fun heap!

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted