Friday, October 16, 2009

Let's keep praying for Samoa!

It's been raining in Samoa - no, not raining - POURING!
The poor people that still have no houses and are under primitive shelters with tarpaulins must be so miserable!
No medical teams were able to go out today because of the weather.
It's not real easy to treat people in the back of a pick-up truck in pouring rain...

Also, the roads are pure mud and remember - the people are in the hills/mountains now...
So, even with a 4-wheel-drive, Rich and the team were slipping and sliding all over the place.

No fun for the people (Rich probably DID have some fun slipping/sliding)!

Let's pray for the rain to stop and the weather to stabilize until better shelters are built!
We are racing against time, cuz the rainy season, often with cyclones, is just around the corner.

Some of our team went back to the island off the main island where Rich and the team had been last week.(I think it's Mananoa or something like that)
They found that the people had not received ANY help since last week - no clean drinking water.
Quite a few children have come down with dysentery...

And with the rain, more and more respiratory sicknesses are plaguing the people.

Lord, have mercy!

One more day for Rich.

It's been really full-on.

He's tired - and happy.

Even though he lost most of his sleep last night.

Ya gotta know that the local YWAM-base where he's staying, is built local style. There was a leak in the thatched roof and he got a free cold shower all night...

Thanks for your prayers - and - it's not too late to give - see last post!

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